Norway Spruce

Norway Spruce

  • Zone: 3
  • Height: 40-60 feet
  • Width: 25-30 feet
  • Growth rate: 2-3 feet /year
  • Water: Medium
  • Sun: Full sun
  • Tolerance: Disease, insect
  • The Norway spruce is the most widespread, fastest growing, largest and most disease resistant spruce in the northern hemisphere. It develops strong graceful branches than can endure winds up to 100 mph. The foliage growing off the main branches “hangs” down on larger trees giving it a weeping appearance. This is an ideal wind break and privacy tree. Cones produced by mature trees can be 4-8 inches long and hang from the ends of the branches. This is a very adaptable variety of spruce and can tolerate sand to clay soils. It is affected by few diseases or insects and is a safe choice when selecting evergreens for a landscape.